Wednesday 12 October 2011

Album Development

The Album Name
The name of an album, particularly a debut, is vital to it's success. It must be memorable and catchy. A common convention of a debut album name is for it to self-titled. I don't feel that 'Oliver Quad' would work as it's quite long and doesn't flow as a title.  Original name ideas I had were:
Life's a Different Story - a lyric from the Blur song Country House which when whole is often thought to be a reference to Oasis. As this is associated with two of the biggest indie bands ever it would have been perfect, however I feel it is far too long for the album cover style I am using as inspiration. I will still use this homage to Blur but as a song name.
King of Hearts - another title which I decided was too long. I liked this because it was different for a title, it focused on the artist and create an unusual representation. It was also quite unique and memorable.
After discarding these two ideas I decided I really wanted a one word title so I went through the dictionary to find an appropriate and interesting word. I ended up in the H section and decided I wanted to use the word Hologram. I like this word because it's nice to say and it sounds cool. The concept of a hologram is also cool, it's such a futuristic, exciting idea.

Album Images
For the front cover I have decided I definitely want a still image. I am currently thinking either a vintage camera, linking back to the idea of heritage being one of the bases of cool pop culture and indie, or some sort of nature scene, whether it be the sky or a landscape. Although now I have decided a title I feel that my image must link in some way, however small it is. This is why a camera would be a better choice because it connects with the definition of a hologram, a 3D image, and the idea of vintage and the past contrasts with the futuristic idea of holograms. I feel deciding not to focus the album on the artist too much allows a greater focus on the songs, however I do want to put photos of the artist in the Digipak, which will hopefully be more natural images.
On all the photos I will use in the Digipak I will use a filter to edit their colours to create a more vintage feel.

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