Thursday 29 September 2011

Camera Shot Practice

Liana and I have practised using my Canon 500D on record mode, which is the equipment we will be using to record our music video. We have carried out test shots for some of the angles and techniques we desire to have in our video. They were all filmed using the camera hand held, which will not necessarily be what we do with our actual video.

Firstly we have practiced two methods of 'following' our artist around, panning in a circle whilst our artist walks around us and tracking behind, or in front, of the artist.

I think the panning shot works best as it has a smoother flow and is almost easier to watch as the focal point is continuous. Also the shot is wider, allowing the location and the artist to have more detail.

Zooming is another technique we have practiced. As the camera was hand held the zoom became quite jumpy which is why we would need a tripod to help steady the camera.

We have also practised taking a high angled shot, a feature towards the end of our video plan. From this still we can see that the angle works well and the shot stays focused and even.

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